The potential temporal hopping point set is fetched from the temporal projection variance of the adjacent domain time-frequency image according to the instantaneous signal bandwidth. 根据跳频信号瞬时带宽,将潜在跳频频率点邻域时频图投影到时域,分选潜在频率跳变点集合。
The projection of an image from a film onto a screen. a work executed with opaque watercolors mixed with gum. 把一个画面从胶片上投射到银幕上。用不透明的水彩混合橡胶作的画。
The Differentiation between the Projection of Vector and Image of Vector 向量的投影和射影概念辨析
First the projection feature, moment vector feature of edge image, and the feature of gray histogram are extracted, and then BP neural network is used for detecting and locating the lock. 提出一种基于BP神经网络和遗传算法的货车车锁检测方法.首先提取图像的投影特征、边缘图像的矩向量特征以及灰度直方图特征,然后用BP神经网络进行检测和定位;
At the stage of staff lines detection, horizontal projection of adjacent vertical image strips and cross-correlation algorithm is employed to correct the skewed and deformed image, and then the position of staff lines is located through finding peaks of the projection. 在谱线检测阶段,首先利用计算若干条形区域水平投影队列间交叉相关性的方法,自动矫正图像的倾斜和变形缺陷,然后根据水平投影峰值检测谱线。
Results: Projection angle of each interested image was calculated immediately by the handset in all rotational DSAs of 28 cases. 结果:所有24例旋转DSA中,可编程手持计算器均可立即计算出每一个感兴趣图像的投照角度。
In this approach, a homography matrix between the ground plane and the image plane is obtained by least square. Known constraints such as the camera's height and the projection of some vertical lines in the image are then exploited to estimate the camera's parameters. 它首先利用地平面与图像中的对应点建立一个对应矩阵(homogra-phy),然后利用已知的摄像机高度以及地面上垂线在图像中的投影等约束信息来求取摄像机的参数。
For recognition, the front or trailing edge of projection of binary image on horizontal axis basically shows linear shape, so least square theory is applied in tilt correction. 识别过程中,数码管二值化后的图像在水平轴上的投影,其上升沿或下降沿基本呈现直线的形状,尝试把最小二乘法应用于倾斜校正。
Based on the geometry projection of the input image, this approach can calculate the depth information of the foreground and background models, and switch smoothly between the reference image and TIP model. 该技术根据图像的几何透视关系计算出场景的背景与前景的深度信息,实现从参考图像到TIP模型的连贯切换。
The information entropy characteristics of time projection curve and frequency projection curve of pseudo-Wigner-Ville distribution image are defined in this paper. The relation between the information entropy of time projection curve and the bolt tightness moment is descending. 在伪魏格纳分布图上提出了时间轴和频率轴投影曲线的信息熵特征,配合一阶频率矩和投影曲线标准方差来进行预紧力矩大小变化程度的检测。
The implement of gray projection matching algorithms applied to stabilization of image sequences taken by airborne imaging sensor is introduced and the main factors to affect the accuracy of algorithm have been analyzed according to characteristic of airborne imaging. 论文给出了灰度投影匹配算法应用于航摄动态图像序列帧间平移运动稳定的实现方法,并根据机载成像特点,分析了影响该算法精度的主要因素,提出了相应的对策。
The determination of projection center and perspective plane of perspective image in 3-D PIV 三维PIV中透视成像的视点定位与透视平面的确定
Digital Projection Technology& Achievement of Digital Image Technology(ⅳ) 数字投影技术数字成像技术进展(四)
Clinical Investigation on Determination of Projection Angle of Each Image in Rotational Digital Subtraction Cerebral Angiography 旋转数字减影脑血管造影每幅图像投照角度确定的临床研究
In the camera direction close-loop control part, a pure angle tracking concept has been put forward which set up a movement model on projection surface of image and control object has been included in image processing and analysis part; 在摄像机指向的闭环控制系统部分,将被控对象归入图像处理与分析环节,并在图像投影平面上建立模型分析目标的运动,提出纯角度跟踪的概念;
The gray scale projection algorithm can detect motion vector of image sequential frames in electronic image stabilization. 在电子稳像中,利用灰度投影的方法可以实现图像序列帧间运动矢量的检测。
The space perspective projection of satellite image 适合卫星图像的空间透视投影
Based on the actual conditions of Chongqing, it creates a new way for city image projection in different districts of Chongqing-appropriate image orientation, careful image projection, active image transmission and sustained image maintenance, in accordance with the advantages and unique resources of the districts. 文章结合重庆实际,充分利用重庆区域优势和资源特色,提出了重庆县域城镇形象建设的基本思路:恰当的形象定位、精心的形象塑造、积极的形象传播和持续的形象维护。
A Simple Algorithm for Image Reconstruction from Projection of a Circular-Symmetrical Image 关于圆对称图象函数的重建及近似算法
A projection model of binary cross-section image-named Boolean Radon transform ( BRT)-is proposed to solve the problem that the gray level of a digital subtraction angiography ( DSA) image has no exact physical means in the 3D reconstruction. 针对三维重建中数字减影(DSA)的成像模型不够精确的问题,提出了一种二值图像的二值投影模型&布尔雷唐(Radon)变换。
A major problem of low-does X-ray CT is incomplete projection data causing low resolution of the reconstructed image. 但低剂量造成投影数据不足,使得重楚图分辨率低,是低剂量X射线CT的严重问题之一。
We present a method to construct image feature vector using edge and projection of character image. The composing way and normalizing of feature vector are shown. 然后进一步提出根据图像边缘和字符投影特征构造图像特征矢量的思想,以及特征矢量的构成方式和归一化方法。
We roughly locate the organs using horizontal projection and vertical projection of the image, then we locate them exactly using a fast module-matching algorithm. 我们先利用脸部图像的垂直投影和水平投影对脸部器官进行了粗定位,然后通过一种快速的模板匹配算法进行了脸部器官(主要是眼睛和嘴巴)的精确定位。
Simulations show that the proposed algorithm is better than some other algorithms to optimize the projection matrix in terms of image fusion and image denoising via sparse representation. 3. 通过基于稀疏表示的图像融合实验和图像去噪实验表明该算法在性能上优于已有的一些算法。
An important character is discovered via the analysis of head-shoulder sequences, the motion details are rich in the face region, so the approximate coordinates of the face can determined by the vertical and horizontal projection of DFD image. 通过对头肩序列进行分析,可知面部的运动细节比较丰富,也比较集中。因此可以通过对帧间差分图像做水平和垂直投影,确定人脸的大致坐标,搜寻范围变为一个矩形小区域。
Then, each character segmentation position is identified from the position of the dot to left and right respectively according to the vertical projection message of the image. 在字符分割阶段,首先去除车牌区中央圆点,再从圆点位置出发,根据图像的垂直投影信息分别向左右方向逐个确定分割位置,并针对存在字符粘连的情况进行快速而有效的处理。
The research results include the following: Based on camera calibration theory, using characteristics of Chinese characters with flat, strokes interchange, we introduced Chinese characters model to estimate the projection rule of Chinese characters in digital image. 本文的研究成果包括以下内容:1、在相机标定的基础上,利用汉字具有方块、基本笔画交汇处多的特点,引入汉字模型来估计汉字图像的投影规则。
License plate location can be divided into coarse positioning and fine positioning, rough location of license plate area is determined by statistics of edge characteristics. Fine border of license plate is gotten in the use of color features and horizontal projection of binary image. 3. 车牌定位分为粗定位和细定位,本文首先通过车牌区边缘统计特征确定车牌区粗略位置,然后利用颜色特征和二值图像水平投影特征精细定位车牌边界。
The algorithm analyzes the vertical projection of the binary moving foreground image to segment and locate the targets. 该算法是通过对二值化前景图的投影进行分析,定位场景中的人。
A wavelet coeffi-cient is the projection of the image on a wavelet, and the set of overcomplete wavelets can be regarded as an overcomplete dictionary. Therefore coefficient selection is equivalent to subdictionary selection. 由于超完备小波集可以看作冗余字典,小波分解系数是图像在小波上的投影,所以对超完备小波分解系数的选择就是对子字典的选择。